Sustainability invites students, faculty, staff and the public to a new
series of “Lunch & Learn” Sustainability Conversations, Fall Quarter 2013.
events are a continuation of the successful Sustainability Conversation
series in the Western Libraries last year, hosted by Western
Sustainability, in collaboration with the Teaching-Learning Academy and Western
Libraries Sustainability Team.
Fall 2013 Lunch & Learn conversations are held on Tuesdays, from 12:30 -
1:30 pm. October 8th and November 5th and 19th events are located in Wilson 265
(TLA seating area). The December 3rd conversation, potluck lunch will be at
Fairhaven College, - room # TBA.
8 –
Got Green Campus Ideas?
you are looking to make the campus greener, more sustainable, more energy
efficient, join the conversation with Western’s A.S. Green Energy Fee
Program Coordinator Regan Clover, and Education Coordinator Sadie Normoyle, and learn more at this week’s Lunch & Learn
Sustainability Conversation. http://www.wwu.edu/sustain/programs/gef/
in the campus community can apply for a Small
Grant between $500 and $2,000, or a Large Grant between $2,000 and
$300,000. Western’s students, faculty, and staff are invited to
submit proposals for the 2013-2014 Green Energy Fee Grant Program. Proposal due dates are just around the
corner, so come, talk, and learn more.
Tuesday, Oct 8. 12:30 – 1:30 – Wilson 265 – tea, mugs, hot
water, and comfortable seating provided. Bring your lunch if you like.
& Learn Sustainability Conversations Calendar for the rest of Fall
Quarter below - more details to come:
5 – The role of the Arts in Sustainability, with
Borden, WWU Graduate, Artist Services Coordinator, Allied Arts of Whatcom
19 – Libraries: A sustainable and Sustaining Resource, with Rick Osen,
Assistant Dean, Western Libraries; Clarissa Mansfield, Rob
Lopresti, Shevell Thibou, Western Libraries Sustainability Team
3 –Sustainable Food:
local food, small-scale farming, permaculture, relational eating, experiential
learning, nourishment, beauty, fun and chickens.
Fairhaven College
& the Outback Experiential Learning Center. This conversation
includes a potluck lunch, with optional Outback Farm tour afterward!