Wednesday, June 5, 2013

"World Environment Day" is Today!

 I tend to like the practice of designating specific days for the purpose of being particularly mindful of certain significant things. I am a fan of birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, as well as days like Earth Day. And while I agree that generally it is wise to appreciate whatever it is these days are celebrating every day, (and not just once a year), I really enjoy days that are centered on deliberate and intentionally-focused celebration.

That being said, today is one of those days that makes me happy because beginning in 1972,  the United Nations started an annual "World Environment Day" celebration, and today happens to be this year's day, which also has the theme of "Think. Eat. Save."

"This year’s campaign rallies you to take action from your home and then witness the power of collective decisions you and others have made to reduce food waste, save money, minimize the environmental impact of food production and force food production processes to become more efficient." (from the website).

One thing worth checking out while you are thinking, eating, and saving, is what is happening here at Western. For more information, go to the Office of Sustainability's webpage that talks about food and operations, and you can learn quite a bit  about how Western is trying to accomplish our sustainability goal to "provide healthy and sustainable food and food services to campus." From the "Real Food Challenge," to "Viking Supported Agriculture," there are plenty of things happening for us to be excited about, today and every day!

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